26 March 2008

Dia de Leche

This morning we drove into Chureca for Milk Day. With the workers still on strike, we were one of the only vehicles allowed inside the dump. The clinic was already full when we showed up- most of our moms were listening to a health talk, some were meeting with nutritionists, and others were awaiting their consult with the doctor. Despite the number of people in the clinic, things were under control.

We were all worried that our kids' weights would drop significantly this month as a result of the strike and it's impact on individuals' ability to earn a living. Thankfully this has not been the case. Although the last three weeks have been extremely trying for La Chureca's residents, families have pulled together and done their best to ensure that their children are getting enough to eat. Organizations both inside and outside La Chureca have also stepped up their roles in order to assist residents through this particularly difficult period.

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