In order to be in our program mothers must attend monthly health talks (or "charlas" as they are called here). The talks are given on a weekly basis at the La Chureca clinic. Speakers for the charlas include Esmeralda (better known as Esmo), Dr. Lesly, nutritionists from the Ministry of Health, and outside professionals.
Esmo, our head nurse at the clinic, gave this week’s health talk. The talk focused on the dangers of lead. This is an especially relevant topic because just last month all of our kids were tested for lead and five of them showed elevated levels. While none of the kids required immediate attention, it was another reminder of the hard conditions these children live in. What I found encouraging, though, was the number of mothers who came to us and requested that there be a charla on lead. The fact that these mothers are taking interest in their kids and are trying to educate themselves on issues that pertain to their kid's health shows me that our health talks are serving their purpose.
I left this week's charla energized and excited. Watching the way Esmo spoke to the mothers and connected with them really made me see what a vital role she plays in our team. She spoke with authority but always in a soothing voice. The mothers respect her and know that they cannot give her flimsy excuses when it comes to their kid's health. I know that trust takes time to earn and I sincerely hope that in the coming months I will be able to form a similar bond with the mothers.
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