One of the goals for this year's child sponsorship team is to develop relationships with all 34 families in our program, specifically with the mothers. On Tuesday, Geoff, Matt and I began this journey as we set out to find houses where our children live. With Sandra, one of the women who keeps Clinica Funjofundess running, as our guide, we visited 11 homes made out of scrap metal, political banners and anything else they can claim.
Some mothers were receptive, eager to become our friends. Lidia and Zayda's mom took us all around her house, showing us where she keeps the oatmeal, milk and vitamins. She did not show us the three bent bed frames where the family sleeps, their foam mattresses falling through to the floor. When we knocked on Erick's gate, we found his mom making lunch as Erick bounced in a baby seat. He has her eyes, big, dark and full of innocence and happiness.
Kenan's mom, who runs a venta (small sundries shops), told us that she already sells soy milk packets and is planning on selling soy meat as well. This prospect greatly excited us, as soy can be a viable and nutritious alternative to the fish many families eat from the contaminated Lake Managua. We plan to continue to pursue this option, possibly partnering with Keenan's mom and grandmother. Sandra told us that the 15 cords (less than one American dollar) that they would charge in the ventas is still cost-prohibitive for many Chureca families. Our current thoughts are to sell crude soy on the Funjofudess porch, but this is still under consideration as we do not want to compete with a family in our program.
However, not all visits were as pleasant. The most discouraging visit was our encounter with Danilo's mother. Because she frequently does not come to milk days, she was the only mother we had not previously met. She didn't invite us into the house, we had to ask to see Danilo and she said he wasn't drinking milk or receiving the vitamins. Obviously, our whole group was frustrated until we asked Esmo (the Funjofudess nurse). She told us that her husband prohibits her from leaving the house, which is why she doesn't come to any of our events. At that moment, all frustration disappeared as we started to comprehend the realities of her life.
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