After a bit of rearranging, Matt and I were able to add a new Chureca day to our weekly schedules. We both wanted to spend more time walking around the dump and talking to the families, so this came as a welcome addition.
Last week marked our first Friday-morning excursion. We got off the bus at 9am and made our way into Chureca through the back entrance. It hadn’t rained very much the previous day, so we were able to arrive at the clinic mud-free. Once we got to the clinic, however, my excitement dwindled a bit as I realized that the clinic’s gate was locked and the staff was nowhere in sight.
Determined to have a productive day, Matt and I decided to venture off on our own. We started by visiting the houses closest to the clinic. Although we made a few navigational mistakes as we strolled through Chureca’s dirt paths, we ended up having a really worthwhile day.
At our first stop we saw Kenan and Marlon. Kenan was full of smiles and he looked absolutely adorable in his white button-down shirt and khaki shorts. Marlon was not quite as cheery but seemed to be doing well nevertheless. We then walked over to Erik’s house where Jenny greeted us with a warm smile and invited us in. Jenny asked us if we wanted to see baby Erik, but since he was sleeping, we opted for staying outside and talking to her.
After saying our goodbyes to Jenny we made our way to the Vanegas' household. We got there just in time to catch Miriam and Katy walking out the door. Miriam told us that they were on their way to the pediatrician’s office. As the two of them waved us goodbye, Matt and I started walking towards Salezka’s house.
When we arrived we saw Salezka’s mom working hard on the family’s laundry and Salezka sitting outside, watching her. Salezka’s mom informed us that Salezka hadn’t been feeling well the past few days. When we asked her if she had taken Salezka to the clinic she told us that she had, but that the doctor couldn’t do much because Salezka’s condition was viral in nature.
We then took a few steps over to Danilo’s house, where we found him mid-bath. Danilo’s mom had a sad expression on her face, so Matt and I spent some time just talking to her about how she was doing. I was truly touched by how open she was with us. I only wish that I had more to offer her.
It’s really hard for me to see individuals dealing with such difficult situations. I often hear people say that where there is a will, there is a way. As badly as I want to believe in those words, I have to admit that being in La Chureca makes me question them at times. One of the most challenging things for me is seeing our kids getting sick all the time. I try to remind myself that the reason I am there is two-fold: not only is there an acute need for improvement but there is also a very tangible opportunity for change.
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